Wallace'S Living Legacy

Book Description

Wallacea region, includes Sulawesi, Moluccas, and Lesser Sundas, has its own unique and endemic animals, many of them are found nowhere else in the world. It took 7 years and went to 22 places for Riza Marlon, an Indonesian wildlife photojournalist, to expose more than 200 photos of mostly endemic animal species in trying to represent this region’s reputable biodiversity.

This book consists of Introduction to the great explorer, Alfred Russel Wallace with its well-known Wallace Line, the Wallacea Bioregion and a brief explanation about how this region is rich in endemic species. Animals photos are divided into their class and or genus, such as Bird, Insect and Spider, Herpetofauna (Reptile & Amphibians), Mammals, Macaque, and Tarsier. Informative text in chapters and caption in each photo are valuable to introduce those animals. Camera data information is also presented as a reference to photography enthusiasts.

Hopefully, people will eventually know and understand the richness of our exceptional animals and more photographers are called to document and share the diversity of Indonesian wildlife.


ISBN 978-602-98060-2-1




24 cm x 28 cm


1700 gr


FSC C012827


Hardcover, debossed, hot glue and stitching